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MALLOC(3) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

Allocate and free dynamic memory.

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malloc(3) referred by aa_find_mountpoint(2) | af_attrs(3) | af_history(3) | af_note(3) | alloc(3) | alloca(3) | ao_string_tokenize(3) | archive_entry_linkify(3) | ares_library_init(3) | argz_add(3) | asprintf(3) | asr_run(3) | atbindrule(3) | ausearch_add_expression(3) | auth_getoption(3) | auth_sasl(3) | avc_init(3) | backtrace(3) | basename(3) | bitstring(3bsd)
refer to alloca(3) | attributes(7) | brk(2) | feature_test_macros(7) | getrlimit(2) | malloc_get_state(3) | malloc_info(3) | malloc_trim(3) | malloc_usable_size(3) | mallopt(3) | mcheck(3) | mmap(2) | mtrace(3) | posix_memalign(3) | proc(5) | valgrind(1)
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