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GDBM(3) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

The GNU database manager. Includes dbm and ndbm compatibility.

July 8, 2016
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This manual Reference Other manuals
gdbm(3) referred by cabin(3) | curia(3) | dacs.install(7) | depot(3) | gdbm_dump(1) | gdbm_load(1) | gdbmtool(1) | hovel(3) | makegdbm(1) | odeum(3) | perlfunc(1) | qdbm(3) | relic(3) | tdb(3) | tdb_chainlock(3) | tdb_close(3) | tdb_delete(3) | tdb_error(3) | tdb_exists(3) | tdb_fetch(3)
refer to chmod(2) | cp(1) | gdbm_dump(1) | gdbm_load(1) | gdbmtool(1) | malloc(3) | mmap(2) | open(2)
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