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REALPATH(3) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

Return the canonicalized absolute pathname.

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realpath(3) referred by bindtextdomain(3) | bmake(1) | canonicalize_file_name(3) | Cwd(3perl) | dpkg-shlibdeps(1) | explain(1) | explain(3) | explain_realpath(3) | explain_realpath_or_die(3) | File::PathConvert(3pm) | matchpathcon(3) | readlink(1) | readlink(2) | realpath(1) | selinux_restorecon(3) | zshexpn(1)
refer to attributes(7) | canonicalize_file_name(3) | feature_test_macros(7) | fpathconf(3) | getcwd(3) | malloc(3) | readlink(2) | realpath(1) | sysconf(3)
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