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SMTPD(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol daemon.

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smtpd(8) referred by access(5) | anvil(8postfix) | bsd-mailx(1) | cleanup(8postfix) | dnsblog(8postfix) | flush(8postfix) | forward(5) | postconf(5) | postfix(1) | postscreen(8postfix) | qmail(7) | qmail-control(5) | sendmail(1) | sendmail(8) | smtp(8postfix) | smtpctl(8) | smtpd(8postfix) | smtpd.conf(5) | table(5) | tlsmgr(8postfix)
refer to forward(5) | sendmail(8) | smtpctl(8) | smtpd.conf(5) | syslogd(8)
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