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SENDMAIL(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

A mail enqueuer for smtpd(8).

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sendmail(8) referred by aliases.sendmail(5) | alpine(1) | bsd-mailx(1) | checksendmail(8) | clamav-milter(8) | courierfax(8) | cyrus-smtptest(1) | dacs.install(7) | dacsemail(1) | darcs(1) | dma(8) | dmail(1) | editmap(8) | expn(1) | fdm(1) | fdm.conf(5) | fetchmail(1) | formail(1) | greylist.conf(5) | gup(1)
refer to smtpctl(8) | smtpd(8)
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