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SETLOCALE(3) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

Set the current locale.

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setlocale(3) referred by apropos(1) | brlapi_write(3) | catgets(3) | catopen(3) | dotextwrap(1) | duplocale(3) | ecvt(3) | editline(3edit) | getdate(3) | gettext(3) | groffer(1) | html2ps(1) | html2psrc(5) | locale(5) | locale(7) | Locale::Messages(3pm) | localeconv(3) | localedef(1) | lsof(8) | lynx(1)
refer to attributes(7) | charsets(7) | isalpha(3) | locale(1) | locale(7) | localeconv(3) | localedef(1) | nl_langinfo(3) | rpmatch(3) | strcoll(3) | strftime(3) | strxfrm(3) | wcscoll(3posix) | wcsxfrm(3posix)
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