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LSOF(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

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lsof(8) referred by checkrestart(1) | csysdig(8) | dstat(1) | fuser(1) | memstat(1) | ocf_heartbeat_Raid1(7) | sysdig(8) | tomb(1) | whowatch(1)
refer to access(2) | ctime(3) | fuser(1) | gethostname(2) | isalpha(3) | iswprint(3) | kill(1) | ls(1) | mount(8) | mv(1) | open(2) | perl(1) | ps(1) | readlink(2) | rename(2) | rm(1) | setlocale(3) | shutdown(2) | stat(2) | strftime(3)
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