pragmatism first

SED(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Stream editor for filtering and transforming text.

February 2017
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sed(1) referred by aoeui(1) | asdfg(1) | awk(1plan9) | bbe(1) | buthead(1) | cpuset(4) | cpuset(7) | dacs.conf(5) | dbacl(1) | dialrules(5) | ed(1plan9) | edbrowse(1) | f2c(1) | filterm(1) | fixnt(1) | flex(1) | flowdumper(1p) | formail(1) | fortc(1) | freebsd-lex(1)
refer to ed(1) | grep(1) | perlre(1) | tr(1)
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