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LIBARCHIVE-FORMATS(5) - Linux manual page online | File formats

Archive formats supported by the libarchive library.

March 18, 2012
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libarchive-formats(5) referred by archive_write_format(3) | bsdcat(1) | bsdcpio(1) | bsdtar(1) | claws-mail-archiver-plugin(1)
refer to ar(1) | archive_write_set_options(3) | cpio(1) | cpio(5) | dash(1) | echo(1) | ld.bfd(1) | libarchive(3) | mkdir(1) | mtree(5) | sed(1) | shar(1) | tar(1) | tar(5) | uuencode(1) | zip(1) | zlib(3)
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