NetTraffic - translation
If translation for your language is not included in the newest release (or is incomplete) you can simply make a new one, or update existing.
Translation How-To
- Go to your NetTraffic installation directory (default C:\Program Files\NetTraffic or C:\Program Files(x86)\NetTraffic).
- Go to Lang directory, it contains translations files.
- Copy file Lang_EN.xml to the same directory, and then rename copy to Lang_XX.xml where XX is your country code (table here, fourth column - two letter ISO language name).
- Edit the file that you just renamed. Open it in Notepad, Notepad++ or any other editor.
In the following line:
<translation lang-id="en-US" lang-parent="en" lang-en-name="English" lang-local-name="English">
change bolded elements to be suitable for your language. Parameters:- lang-id - language code with country identifier (table here, first column),
- lang-parent - country independent language code, without country identifier (table here, first column),
- lang-en-name - name of your language in English,
- lang-local-name - native name of your language.
- Translate only values inside tags (example: <sample_tag> values to translate </sample_tag> ). Don't change names of tags.
- Any string that begins and ends with char % is marker (examples: %abc%, %path%, %file%, %date%). In translated phrases leave markers unchanged, in proper places due to context. Markers will be replaced with appropriate values of variables at runtime.
- Save the file using UTF-8 encoding.
- Restart NetTraffic. In Settings select your language and press Apply.
If you would like (and agree), your translation may be included in next NetTraffic releases.
In this case send your translation to
. Note, for unknown reasons, some messages are not delivered. If your e-mail did not reach (you do not received response within 7 days), please try use another sender's address. By submitting the translation file, you agree to technical corrections (the content of the translations will remain unchanged).
Translation update
In case of update obsolete translation, first try contact the author.
Some translators do not publicly give their contact address.
In that case, contact via
(the message will be forwarded to the author).
Perhaps the author will update the translation. Otherwise you may:
- get permission to modify current translation from the author,
- don't receive reply or the author does not agree to modify its translation, in that case you can make completely new translation (full re translation from scratch based on Lang_EN.xml).