pragmatism first

.NET DateTime Ticks Converter Online

Three way Converter: .NET Core / .NET Framework Ticks (C# DateTime.Ticks) ⇄ Date TimeUnix Timestamp.

Supported range from 1970-01-01 00:00:00 to 2038-01-19 03:14:07.

Related converters: .NET TimeSpan Ticks | Unix Timestamp (Epoch) .

Ticks to Date Time and Unix Timestamp

Conversion result will be displayed here

Unix Timestamp to Ticks

Conversion result will be displayed here

Date Time to Ticks

Enter date and time (GMT / UTC).

Conversion result will be displayed here

Current value of Ticks

Current GMT / UTC Date Time is: 2025-03-26 12:46:14

Current Unix Timestamp is: 1742993174

Current Ticks for given time is: 638785899740000000