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XMODMAP(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Utility for modifying keymaps and pointer button mappings in X.

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xmodmap(1) referred by directvnc(1) | directvnc-kbmapping(7) | directvnc-xmapconv(1) | Eterm(1) | imwheel(1) | joystick(4) | jwm(1) | keymaps(5) | mk_modmap(8) | notion(1) | vtwm(1x) | X(7) | x11vnc(1) | xbindkeys(1) | xbindkeys_show(1) | xcape(1) | xdotool(1) | xkeycaps(1) | Xsession(5) | xset(1)
refer to make(1) | setxkbmap(1) | X(7) | xev(1) | XStringToKeysym(3)
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