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UPSAMPLE(3CLC) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

Result[i] = ((gentype)hi[i].

UPSAMPLE(3clc) OpenCL Manual UPSAMPLE(3clc)


upsample - result[i] = ((gentype)hi[i] << 8|16|32) | lo[i] short upsample(char hi, uchar lo); ushort upsample(uchar hi, uchar lo); shortn upsample(charn hi, ucharn lo); ushortn upsample(ucharn hi, ucharn lo); int upsample(short hi, ushort lo); uint upsample(ushort hi, ushort lo); intn upsample(shortn hi, ushortn lo); uintn upsample(ushortn hi, ushortn lo); long upsample(int hi, uint lo); ulong upsample(uint hi, uint lo); longn upsample(intn hi, uintn lo); ulongn upsample(uintn hi, uintn lo);


result[i] = ((short)hi[i] << 8) | lo[i] result[i] = ((ushort)hi[i] << 8) | lo[i] result[i] = ((int)hi[i] << 16) | lo[i] result[i] = ((uint)hi[i] << 16) | lo[i] result[i] = ((long)hi[i] << 32) | lo[i] result[i] = ((ulong)hi[i] << 32) | lo[i]


Built-in integer functions take scalar or vector arguments. The vector versions of the integer functions operate component-wise. The description is per component. We use the generic type name gentype to indicate that the function can take char, char{2|3|4|8|16}, uchar, uchar{2|3|4|8|16}, short, short{2|3|4|8|16}, ushort, ushort{2|3|4|8|16}, int, int{2|3|4|8|16}, uint, uint{2|3|4|8|16}, long, long{2|3|4|8|16}, ulong, or ulong{2|3|4|8|16} as the type for the arguments. We use the generic type name ugentype to refer to unsigned versions of gentype. For example, if gentype is char4, ugentype is uchar4. We also use the generic type name sgentype to indicate that the function can take a scalar data type i.e. char, uchar, short, ushort, int, uint, long, or ulong as the type for the arguments. For built-in integer functions that take gentype and sgentype arguments, the gentype argument must be a vector or scalar version of the sgentype argument. For example, if sgentype is uchar, gentype must be uchar or uchar{2|3|4|8|16}. For vector versions, sgentype is implicitly widened to gentype as described in section 6.3.a of the OpenCL specification. For any specific use of a function, the actual type has to be the same for all arguments and the return type unless otherwise specified.


OpenCL Specification[1]




The Khronos Group
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1. OpenCL Specification page 256, section 6.12.3 - Integer Functions
The Khronos Group 01/03/2018 UPSAMPLE(3clc)
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