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SYSTEMD-SYSTEM.CONF(5) - Linux manual page online | File formats

System and session service manager.

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systemd-system.conf(5) referred by Config::Model::models::Systemd::Section::Service(3pm) | Config::Model::models::Systemd::Section::Socket(3pm) | Config::Model::models::Systemd::Section::Timer(3pm) | init(1) | journald.conf(5) | kernel-command-line(7) | logind.conf(5) | systemctl(1) | systemd(1) | systemd.directives(7) | systemd.exec(5) | systemd.index(7) | systemd.resource-control(5) | systemd.service(5) | systemd.socket(5) | systemd.swap(5) | systemd.timer(5)
refer to cap_from_text(3) | capabilities(7) | environ(7) | getrlimit(2) | prctl(2) | systemd(1) | systemd.directives(7) | systemd.exec(5) | systemd.resource-control(5) | systemd.service(5) | systemd.time(7) | systemd.timer(5)
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