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STRANSLATE(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Translate a nucleic acid sequence to protein ORFs.

Mon, 01 Aug 2005 15:28:08 -0300
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stranslate(1) referred by afetch(1) | alistat(1) | compalign(1) | compstruct(1) | revcomp(1) | seqsplit(1) | seqstat(1) | sfetch(1) | shuffle(1) | sindex(1) | sreformat(1) | weight(1)
refer to afetch(1) | alistat(1) | compalign(1) | compstruct(1) | revcomp(1) | seqsplit(1) | seqstat(1) | sfetch(1) | shuffle(1) | sindex(1) | sreformat(1) | weight(1)
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