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SPPS_CONVERTERS(3NCARG) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

A set of functions, each of which transforms a coordinate from one of the NCAR Graphics.

March 1993
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spps_converters(3NCARG) referred by cfux(3NCARG) | cfuy(3NCARG) | cmfx(3NCARG) | cmfy(3NCARG) | cmux(3NCARG) | cmuy(3NCARG) | cpfx(3NCARG) | cpfy(3NCARG) | cpux(3NCARG) | cpuy(3NCARG) | cufx(3NCARG) | cufy(3NCARG) | kfmx(3NCARG) | kfmy(3NCARG) | kfpx(3NCARG) | kfpy(3NCARG) | kmpx(3NCARG) | kmpy(3NCARG) | kpmx(3NCARG) | kpmy(3NCARG)
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