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High speed Morse telegraphy trainer.

January 2013
QRQ(1) User Manuals QRQ(1)


qrq - High speed Morse telegraphy trainer


qrq qrqscore [OPTION]


qrq is an open source Morse code trainer for various platforms and operating systems, sim‐ ilar to the classic DOS version of Rufz by DL4MM. It's not intended for learning telegraphy (have a look at for CW learning software), but to improve the ability to copy callsigns at high speeds, as needed for example for contesting. After starting the software and setting up the parameters (speed, CW waveform...), the program sends 50 amateur radio callsigns. When entering a copied callsign correctly, the speed increases, otherwise it decreases. Points are awarded for correctly copied call‐ signs, depending on the speed. A scoreboard/toplist exists on the author's website, at The local toplist file can be synchronized with the online toplist with qrqscore -d and you can upload your own top scores by invoking qrqscore -u.


qrqrc Default configuration file callbase.qcb Database of amateur radio callsigns used by qrq. Other files may be loaded. toplist Default toplist file qrq is looking for these files in the current directory, in ~/.qrq/ or in DEST‐ DIR/share/qrq/ (in that order). In the latter case, ~/.qrq/ is created, for an user-spe‐ cific toplist and configuration.


Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK <> -


Linux January 2013 QRQ(1)
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