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PXLIB(3) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

Library to read and write Paradox databases.

March 27, 2006
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pxlib(3) referred by
refer to PX_close(3) | PX_create_file(3) | PX_create_fp(3) | PX_delete(3) | PX_get_data_alpha(3) | PX_get_data_double(3) | PX_get_data_long(3) | PX_get_parameter(3) | PX_get_record(3) | PX_get_value(3) | PX_insert_record(3) | PX_new(3) | PX_new2(3) | PX_new3(3) | PX_open_file(3) | PX_open_fp(3) | PX_put_record(3) | PX_set_blob_file(3) | PX_set_parameter(3) | PX_set_value(3)
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