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PREAD(2) - Linux manual page online | System calls

Read from or write to a file descriptor at a given offset.

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pread(2) referred by cpuid(4) | explain(1) | explain(3) | explain_pread(3) | explain_pread_or_die(3) | explain_pwrite(3) | explain_pwrite_or_die(3) | fcntl(2) | fio(1) | guestfish(1) | guestfs(3) | proc(5) | read(2) | readv(2) | rights(4freebsd) | sge_accounting(5) | socket(7) | spufs(7) | Sys::Guestfs(3pm) | syscall(2)
refer to feature_test_macros(7) | lseek(2) | read(2) | readv(2) | syscall(2) | write(2)
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