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PPMQUANT(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Quantize the colors in a portable pixmap down to a specified number.

12 January 1991
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This manual Reference Other manuals
ppmquant(1) referred by cpaldjvu(1) | jpegtopnm(1) | pbmfilters(1) | pgmtoimgv(1) | pnmcolormap(1) | pnmdepth(1) | pnmindex(1) | pnmquant(1) | pnmremap(1) | pnmrotate(1) | pnmshear(1) | pnmtopalm(1) | ppm(5) | ppmcie(1) | ppmdither(1) | ppmforge(1) | ppmimgvquant(1) | ppmpat(1) | ppmquantall(1) | ppmtobmp(1)
refer to pnmdepth(1) | pnmquant(1) | ppm(5) | ppmdither(1) | ppmquantall(1)
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