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PGRPHACK(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

Runs a program in a separate process group.

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pgrphack(8) referred by envdir(8) | envuidgid(8) | multilog(8) | setlock(8) | setuidgid(8) | softlimit(8) | svc(8) | svok(8) | tai64n(8) | tai64nlocal(8)
refer to envdir(8) | envuidgid(8) | fghack(8) | multilog(8) | readproctitle(8) | setlock(8) | setuidgid(8) | softlimit(8) | supervise(8) | svc(8) | svok(8) | svscan(8) | svscanboot(8) | svstat(8) | tai64n(8) | tai64nlocal(8)
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