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NFSD(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

NFS server process.

20 Feb 2014
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This manual Reference Other manuals
nfsd(8) referred by exports(5) | fai-make-nfsroot(8) | filesnarf(8) | mac(4freebsd) | mount(8) | mountd(8) | nfs(5) | nfsd(7) | nfsstat(8) | nfssvc(2freebsd) | nfsv4(4freebsd) | rpcdebug(8) | showmount(8) | statd(8)
refer to exportfs(8) | exports(5) | mountd(8) | netconfig(5) | nfsd(7) | nfsstat(8) | rpc.rquotad(8)
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