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NEWS.DAILY(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

Perform daily Usenet maintenance tasks.

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news.daily(8) referred by active(5) | expire(8) | expire.ctl(5) | expireover(8) | inn.conf(5) | | innreport(8) | innstat(8) | innwatch.ctl(5) | newslog(5) | procbatch(8) | scanlogs(8) | tally.control(8) | tally.unwanted(8) | writelog(8)
refer to active(5) | cron(8) | ctlinnd(8) | expire(8) | expire.ctl(5) | expireover(8) | expirerm(8) | fastrm(8) | inn.conf(5) | innstat(8) | newslog(5) | procbatch(8) | scanlogs(8) | shlock(1)
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