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MUSE_QI_MASK(7) - Linux manual page online | Overview, conventions, and miscellany

Create image masks for use with the quick image reconstruction.

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muse_qi_mask(7) referred by muse_ampl(7) | muse_astrometry(7) | muse_bias(7) | muse_create_sky(7) | muse_dark(7) | muse_exp_align(7) | muse_exp_combine(7) | muse_flat(7) | muse_geometry(7) | muse_lingain(7) | muse_lsf(7) | muse_scibasic(7) | muse_scipost(7) | muse_scipost_apply_astrometry(7) | muse_scipost_calibrate_flux(7) | muse_scipost_combine_pixtables(7) | muse_scipost_correct_dar(7) | muse_scipost_correct_rv(7) | muse_scipost_make_cube(7) | muse_scipost_subtract_sky(7)
refer to muse_ampl(7) | muse_astrometry(7) | muse_bias(7) | muse_create_sky(7) | muse_dark(7) | muse_exp_align(7) | muse_exp_combine(7) | muse_flat(7) | muse_geometry(7) | muse_lingain(7) | muse_lsf(7) | muse_scibasic(7) | muse_scipost(7) | muse_scipost_apply_astrometry(7) | muse_scipost_calibrate_flux(7) | muse_scipost_correct_dar(7) | muse_scipost_correct_rv(7) | muse_scipost_subtract_sky(7) | muse_scipost_subtract_sky_simple(7) | muse_standard(7)
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