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MMH-INTRO(7MH) - Linux manual page online | Overview, conventions, and miscellany

Introduction to the Modern MH message system.

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mmh-intro(7mh) referred by mmh(1mh) | mmhwrap(1mh)
refer to ali(1mh) | anno(1mh) | ap(8mh) | burst(1mh) | comp(1mh) | dist(1mh) | dp(8mh) | flist(1mh) | fmtdump(8mh) | folder(1mh) | forw(1mh) | inc(1mh) | mark(1mh) | mh-alias(5mh) | mh-draft(7mh) | mh-format(5mh) | mh-mail(5mh) | mh-profile(5mh) | mh-sequence(7mh) | mhbuild(1mh)
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