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MADVISE(2) - Linux manual page online | System calls

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madvise(2) referred by capabilities(7) | fork(2) | getrlimit(2) | ioctl_userfaultfd(2) | jemalloc(3) | madvise(2freebsd) | mincore(2) | mincore(2freebsd) | minherit(2freebsd) | mmap(2freebsd) | mprotect(2freebsd) | msync(2freebsd) | munmap(2freebsd) | open(2) | posix_fadvise(2freebsd) | posix_madvise(2freebsd) | posix_madvise(3) | prctl(2) | readahead(2) | stress-ng(1)
refer to core(5) | execve(2) | fallocate(2) | feature_test_macros(7) | fork(2) | getrlimit(2) | mincore(2) | mmap(2) | mprotect(2) | msync(2) | posix_madvise(3) | prctl(2)
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