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LFC_STATG(3) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

Get information about a LFC file or directory in the name server.

$Date: 2005/04/28 05:20:20 $
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This manual Reference Other manuals
lfc_statg(3) referred by lfc_access(3) | lfc_creatg(3) | lfc_readlink(3) | lfc_setatime(3) | lfc_setfsize(3) | lfc_setfsizec(3) | lfc_setfsizeg(3) | lfc_statr(3) | lfc_symlink(3) | lfc_umask(3) | lfc_utime(3)
refer to Castor_limits(4) | lfc_chdir(3) | lfc_chmod(3) | lfc_chown(3) | lfc_creatg(3)
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