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KINIT(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Obtain and cache Kerberos ticket-granting ticket.

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kinit(1) referred by aklog(1) | gssd(8) | k5start(1) | kadmin(1) | kdc(8) | kdestroy(1) | kdestroy.heimdal(1) | kerberos(8) | kf(1) | kgetcred(1) | kimpersonate(8) | kinit.heimdal(1) | klist(1) | klist.heimdal(1) | kpagsh(1) | krb5.conf(5) | krb5.conf(5heimdal) | krenew(1) | kswitch(1) | kvno(1)
refer to kdestroy(1) | klist(1) | krb5.conf(5)
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