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KILL(2) - Linux manual page online | System calls

Send signal to a process.

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kill(2) referred by autogen(1) | capabilities(7) | clone(2) | Config::Model::models::Systemd::Section::Service(3pm) | cpuset(7) | cr_restart(1) | credentials(7) | daemon(1) | dar(1) | dar_static(1) | ddb(4freebsd) | errno(2freebsd) | _exit(2) | explain(1) | explain(3) | explain_kill(3) | explain_kill_or_die(3) | fcntl(2) | fuser(1) | getpid(2)
refer to capabilities(7) | credentials(7) | _exit(2) | exit(3) | feature_test_macros(7) | kill(1) | killpg(3) | signal(2) | signal(7) | sigqueue(3) | sigwait(3) | tkill(2) | wait(2)
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