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INTERP(3TCL) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

Create and manipulate Tcl interpreters.

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interp(3tcl) referred by after(3tcl) | bgerror(3tcl) | clipboard(3tk) | CmdWrite(3tclx) | console(3tk) | eval(3tcl) | fileevent(3tcl) | loadTk(3tk) | namespace(3tcl) | ObjCmdWrite(3tclx) | safe(3tcl) | safe_loadTk(3tk) | Tcl_CancelEval(3tcl) | Tcl_IsSafe(3tcl) | tcllib_interp(3tcl) | unknown(3tcl) | update(3tcl)
refer to bgerror(3tcl) | load(3tcl) | safe(3tcl) | Tcl_EvalObjEx(3tcl) | Tcl_IsSafe(3tcl)
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