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HFSUTILS(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Tools for reading and writing Macintosh HFS volumes.

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hfsutils(1) referred by hattrib(1) | hcd(1) | hcopy(1) | hdel(1) | hdir(1) | hformat(1) | hfs(1) | hfssh(1) | hls(1) | hmkdir(1) | hmount(1) | hpwd(1) | hrename(1) | hrmdir(1) | humount(1) | hvol(1) | rsrce(1) | xhfs(1)
refer to hattrib(1) | hcd(1) | hcopy(1) | hdel(1) | hdir(1) | hformat(1) | hfs(1) | hls(1) | hmkdir(1) | hmount(1) | hpwd(1) | hrename(1) | hrmdir(1) | hvol(1) | xhfs(1)
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