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HFAXD(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

HylaFAX client-server protocol server.

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This manual Reference Other manuals
hfaxd(8) referred by doneq(5) | faxalter(1) | faxq(8) | faxsetup(8) | faxstat(1) | faxwatch(8) | hosts.hfaxd(5) | hylafax-client(1) | hylafax-server(5) | hylafax-shutdown(5) | pagermap(5) | sendfax(1) | sendpage(1) | sendq(5) | status(5)
refer to faxalter(1) | faxgetty(8) | faxq(8) | faxrm(1) | faxstat(1) | hosts.hfaxd(5) | hylafax-config(5) | hylafax-shutdown(5) | inetd(8) | pagermap(5) | printf(3) | sendfax(1) | sendpage(1) | status(5) | syslog(3) | syslogd(8)
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