pragmatism first

HEAD(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Output the first part of files.

January 2018
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head(1) referred by buthead(1) | cleanPolishes(1) | comparePolishes(1) | convertPolishes(1) | convertToAtac(1) | convertToExtent(1) | depthOfPolishes(1) | detectChimera(1) | filterPolishes(1) | fixPolishesIID(1) | headPolishes(1) | mappedCoverage(1) | mergePolishes(1) | parseSNP(1) | pickBestPolish(1) | pickUniquePolish(1) | plotCoverageVsIdentity(1) | pmccabe(1) | realignPolishes(1) | removeDuplicate(1)
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