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GNOME-OPTIONS(7) - Linux manual page online | Overview, conventions, and miscellany

Standard Command Line Options for GNOME 2 Programs.

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gnome-options(7) referred by bluefish(1) | evince-previewer(1) | evince-thumbnailer(1) | file-roller(1) | five-or-more(6) | four-in-a-row(6) | gchem3d(1) | gchemcalc(1) | gchempaint(1) | gcrystal(1) | gnome-desktop-item-edit(1) | gnome-klotski(6) | gnome-mahjongg(6) | gnome-mines(6) | gnome-nibbles(6) | gnome-tetravex(6) | gspectrum(1) | gucharmap(1) | quadrapassel(6) | tali(6)
refer to gtk-options(7)
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