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GD_METAFLUSH(3) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

Write modified Dirfile metadata to disk.

25 December 2016
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This manual Reference Other manuals
gd_metaflush(3) referred by gd_add(3) | gd_add_alias(3) | gd_add_bit(3) | gd_add_spec(3) | gd_alter_bit(3) | gd_alter_entry(3) | gd_alter_spec(3) | gd_delete(3) | gd_dirfile_standards(3) | gd_flags(3) | gd_flush(3) | gd_madd_bit(3) | gd_move(3) | gd_open(3) | gd_put_string(3) | gd_reference(3) | gd_rename(3) | gd_rewrite_fragment(3)
refer to gd_close(3) | gd_dirfile_standards(3) | gd_error(3) | gd_flush(3) | gd_open(3) | gd_rewrite_fragment(3)
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