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FLUXBOX(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

A lightweight window manager for the X Windowing System.

13 February 2013
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This manual Reference Other manuals
fluxbox(1) referred by bbpager(1) | fbautostart(1) | fbpager(1) | fbrun(1) | fbsetbg(1) | fbsetroot(1) | fluxbox-apps(5) | fluxbox-keys(5) | fluxbox-menu(5) | fluxbox-remote(1) | fluxbox-style(5) | startfluxbox(1)
refer to fbrun(1) | fbsetbg(1) | fbsetroot(1) | fluxbox-apps(5) | fluxbox-keys(5) | fluxbox-menu(5) | fluxbox-remote(1) | fluxbox-style(5) | startfluxbox(1) | strftime(3) | xkill(1) | xprop(1) | xterm(1)
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