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DEVSCRIPTS(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Scripts to ease the lives of Debian developers.

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devscripts(1) referred by debocker(8) | debsnap(1) | devscripts.conf(5) | ubuntu-dev-tools(5)
refer to annotate-output(1) | archpath(1) | bts(1) | build-rdeps(1) | chdist(1) | checkbashisms(1) | cowpoke(1) | cvs-debc(1) | cvs-debrelease(1) | cvs-debuild(1) | dcmd(1) | dcontrol(1) | dd-list(1) | deb-reversion(1) | debc(1) | debchange(1) | debcheckout(1) | debclean(1) | debcommit(1) | debdiff(1)
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