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CRYPTSETUP(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

Manage plain dm-crypt and LUKS encrypted volumes.

January 2018
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This manual Reference Other manuals
cryptsetup(8) referred by cmtab(5) | cryptdisks_start(8) | cryptdisks_stop(8) | cryptmount(8) | cryptsetup-reencrypt(8) | crypttab(5) | ecryptfs-setup-swap(1) | fsadm(8) | haveged(8) | integritysetup(8) | kxc-cryptsetup(1) | luksformat(8) | luksmeta(8) | mandos-client(8mandos) | mount.crypt(8) | plugin-runner(8mandos) | systemd-cryptsetup-generator(8) | systemd-cryptsetup@.service(8) | systemd-gpt-auto-generator(8) | systemd-makefs@.service(8)
refer to dmsetup(8) | flock(2) | losetup(8) | passwdqc.conf(5) | random(4)
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