pragmatism first

COMPLEX(7) - Linux manual page online | Overview, conventions, and miscellany

Basics of complex mathematics.

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complex(7) referred by cabs(3) | cacos(3) | cacosh(3) | carg(3) | casin(3) | casinh(3) | catan(3) | catanh(3) | ccos(3) | ccosh(3) | cexp(3) | cexp2(3) | cimag(3) | clog(3) | clog10(3) | clog2(3) | conj(3) | cpow(3) | cproj(3) | creal(3)
refer to cabs(3) | cacos(3) | cacosh(3) | carg(3) | casin(3) | casinh(3) | catan(3) | catanh(3) | ccos(3) | ccosh(3) | cerf(3) | cexp(3) | cexp2(3) | cimag(3) | clog(3) | clog10(3) | clog2(3) | conj(3) | cpow(3) | cproj(3)
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