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CATDOC(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Reads MS-Word file and puts its content as plain text on standard output.

Version @catdoc_version@
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catdoc(1) referred by catppt(1) | SWISH-FAQ(1) | wordview(1) | wvAbw(1) | wvCleanLatex(1) | wvDVI(1) | wvHtml(1) | wvLatex(1) | wvMime(1) | wvPDF(1) | wvPS(1) | wvRTF(1) | wvSummary(1) | wvText(1) | wvVersion(1) | wvWare(1) | wvWml(1) | xls2csv(1) | xlsx2csv(1)
refer to cat(1) | catppt(1) | latex(1) | strings(1) | xls2csv(1)
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