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BUTC(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

Initializes the Tape Coordinator process.

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butc(8) referred by afs(1) | backup(8) | backup_diskrestore(8) | backup_dump(8) | backup_interactive(8) | backup_labeltape(8) | backup_readlabel(8) | backup_restoredb(8) | backup_savedb(8) | backup_scantape(8) | backup_status(8) | backup_volrestore(8) | backup_volsetrestore(8) | butc_logs(5) | rxdebug(1) | tapeconfig(5)
refer to backup_addhost(8) | butc(5) | butc_logs(5) | KeyFile(5) | KeyFileExt(5) | tapeconfig(5) | ThisCell(5) | UserList(5)
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