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APT-CACHE(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

Query the APT cache.

25 &November &2016
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This manual Reference Other manuals
apt-cache(8) referred by apt(8) | apt-file(1) | apt-forktracer(8) | apt-get(8) | apt-offline(8) | apt-rdepends(1) | apt.conf(5) | apt_preferences(5) | ara(1) | debcheckout(1) | debfoster(8) | forktracer.conf(5) | name-search(1) | xara(1)
refer to apt-get(8) | apt-secure(8) | apt.conf(5) | dpkg(1) | dselect(1) | regex(7) | reportbug(1) | sources.list(5)
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