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AFPD(8) - Linux manual page online | Administration and privileged commands

Apple Filing Protocol daemon.

08 Mar 2011
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This manual Reference Other manuals
afpd(8) referred by afp_ldap.conf(5) | afp_signature.conf(5) | afp_voluuid.conf(5) | afpd.conf(5) | AppleVolumes.default(5) | cnid_dbd(8) | cnid_metad(8) | dbd(1) | macusers(1) | megatron(1) | nbp_name(3) | netatalk-uniconv(8) | netatalk.conf(5)
refer to afp_ldap.conf(5) | afp_signature.conf(5) | afp_voluuid.conf(5) | afpd.conf(5) | AppleVolumes.default(5) | dbd(1) | hosts_access(5)
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