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AFFCOMPARE(1) - Linux manual page online | User commands

Compare the contents of an ISO file to an AFF file.

Oct 2014
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affcompare(1) referred by affconvert(1) | affcopy(1) | affcrypto(1) | affdiskprint(1) | affinfo(1) | affix(1) | affrecover(1) | affsegment(1) | affsign(1) | affstats(1) | affuse(1) | affverify(1) | affxml(1)
refer to affcat(1) | affconvert(1) | affcopy(1) | affcrypto(1) | affdiskprint(1) | affinfo(1) | affix(1) | affrecover(1) | affsegment(1) | affsign(1) | affstats(1) | affuse(1) | affverify(1) | affxml(1)
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