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ACL_GET_QUALIFIER(3) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

Retrieve the qualifier from an ACL entry.

March 23, 2002
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This manual Reference Other manuals
acl_get_qualifier(3) referred by acl(5) | acl_get_permset(3) | acl_get_tag_type(3) | acl_set_permset(3) | acl_set_qualifier(3) | acl_set_tag_type(3)
refer to acl(5) | acl_create_entry(3) | acl_free(3) | acl_get_entry(3) | acl_get_permset(3) | acl_get_tag_type(3) | acl_set_permset(3) | acl_set_qualifier(3) | acl_set_tag_type(3)
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