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XMMANAGER(3) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

The Manager widget class "XmManager" "widget class" "Manager".

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XmManager(3) referred by XbaeCaption(3) | XbaeMatrix(3) | XmAddTabGroup(3) | XmBulletinBoard(3) | XmButtonBox(3) | XmColumn(3) | XmComboBox(3) | XmContainer(3) | XmCreateMenuBar(3) | XmCvtStringToUnitType(3) | XmDrawingArea(3) | XmFileSelectionBox(3) | XmForm(3) | XmFrame(3) | XmGadget(3) | XmGetTabGroup(3) | XmGetVisibility(3) | XmHierarchy(3) | XmMainWindow(3) | XmMessageBox(3)
refer to Composite(3) | Constraint(3) | Core(3) | VirtualBindings(3) | XmChangeColor(3) | XmDirection(3) | XmGadget(3) | XmScreen(3)
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