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TRF_CONVERTEROPTIONS(3) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

Return the set of option processing procedures required by conversion transformers.

27 August 2002
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Trf_ConverterOptions(3) referred by Trf_CheckOptions(3) | Trf_ClearCtrlBlock(3) | Trf_CreateCtrlBlock(3) | Trf_CreateOptions(3) | Trf_DeleteCtrlBlock(3) | Trf_DeleteOptions(3) | Trf_FlipRegisterLong(3) | Trf_FlipRegisterShort(3) | Trf_FlushTransformation(3) | Trf_Init(3) | Trf_InitStubs(3) | Trf_IsInitialized(3) | Trf_LoadLibrary(3) | Trf_MDCheck(3) | Trf_MDFinal(3) | Trf_MDStart(3) | Trf_MDUpdate(3) | Trf_MDUpdateBuf(3) | Trf_QueryMaxRead(3) | Trf_QueryOptions(3)
refer to Trf_CheckOptions(3) | Trf_CreateCtrlBlock(3) | Trf_CreateOptions(3) | Trf_DeleteCtrlBlock(3) | Trf_FlipRegisterLong(3) | Trf_FlipRegisterShort(3) | Trf_FlushTransformation(3) | Trf_Init(3) | Trf_InitStubs(3) | Trf_IsInitialized(3) | Trf_LoadLibrary(3) | Trf_MDCheck(3) | Trf_MDFinal(3) | Trf_MDStart(3) | Trf_MDUpdate(3) | Trf_MDUpdateBuf(3) | Trf_QueryMaxRead(3) | Trf_QueryOptions(3) | Trf_Register(3) | Trf_RegisterMessageDigest(3)
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