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SSL_CONNECT(3SSL) - Linux manual page online | Library functions

Initiate the TLS/SSL handshake with an TLS/SSL server.

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This manual Reference Other manuals
SSL_connect(3ssl) referred by ssl(7ssl) | SSL_accept(3ssl) | SSL_CTX_dane_enable(3ssl) | SSL_do_handshake(3ssl) | SSL_read(3ssl) | SSL_read_early_data(3ssl) | SSL_set_bio(3ssl) | SSL_set_connect_state(3ssl) | SSL_set_fd(3ssl) | SSL_shutdown(3ssl) | SSL_write(3ssl)
refer to bio(7ssl) | ssl(7) | SSL_accept(3ssl) | SSL_CTX_new(3ssl) | SSL_do_handshake(3ssl) | SSL_get_error(3ssl) | SSL_set_connect_state(3ssl) | SSL_shutdown(3ssl)
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